January 29, 2010
Maya & Mayu Photo shoot
January 22, 2010
Push-day 6 is UP at Knowngallery.com !!
PUSH- day 6 ( really day-7)
The last day. Installing had finished around 6am in the morning of the day... the day of the store's Grand Opening.
Last few days, we had many stuffs from Hurley, Converse & Nike who were working hard to make the store opening happening on time.
Include Push himself, I saw many hard works, team works and so it became amazing store.
Thank you for Hurley stuffs, Jeremy, video shooter and talented Push!!
January 19, 2010
January 16, 2010
"Push"- photo document project day-3 is UP!!

The very first color was red in little squire-ish box.
It's deep process to decide which colors goes to where, what color goes to the next each other include all balance and dynamism of piece overall itself.
It's another delicate stage that makes his magic happens.
Fatigue had been building up for all night painting for 2 days in cold temperature.
Interior of the store started coming in. People from Hurley were working during midnight with us too.
3日目、色がのり始める。一番最初の色は、小さな四角に赤、だった。何色をどこにいれていくか、どこを塗らないか、色の組み合わせ、と色々な要素が入り組んで、まさに、Pushのピースがやばくなる、慎重に進められる工程プロセス。寒い気温の中夜中だけに進む作業3日目で、Pushだけでなく、video crewのJeremy, そして私も疲れがたまってきているのがわかる。
January 14, 2010
"Push"- photo document project day-2 is UP!!

Day 2 got published on Knowngallery.com
Check how the white wall (at the very beginning) got covered with his lines and.. more is coming.
On the Second day, we still had a "hole" on the ceiling and no wall but covered by "panel fense", = Basically it was outside cold temperature.
PushのMural Install, day 2がknowngalleryにupされました。(良いペースです!)
2日目は、まだ天井に穴が開いていて(のちほどガラスの天井が埋め込まれます)、工事現場を隠すためのパネルフェンスの中は壁がなく、基本的に寒い外の気温の中で作業が勧められました。昼間は、店内の工事が勧められていた為、作業は出来ず、夕方5時位からpushのinstall 作業が次の日の朝方まで、というall nighterな毎日。
January 13, 2010
"Push"- photo document project day-1 is UP!!

I've started photo documenting super talented artist, Push (7th Letter Crew) from last year.
These are photos from "day-1" of Mural painting he did at Hurley,Nike6.0 & Converse Concept Store in Irvine Spectrum in last year. Now published at knowngallery.com !!
It was such an amazing project. Another date will be coming soon!
去年からphoto document projectの一つとして、On-goingのprojectより。。
7th letter crewのartist, PushがIrvineにできたhurley+Nike6.0+Converse Concept Storeの店内にmuralをinstallした時のdocument photosがknowngallery.comにアップされました。これは、day-1..今day2&3をpostしている最中で、合計、day..6 or 7まで行く予定
January 8, 2010
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