August 27, 2009

New Era x The Seventh Letter

@James Gray Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica.

As always, lots of kids who're looking for meeting, getting autograph on their blackbook, chatting with their heroes, were there. They were also on the long line for the first few hours for getting their one & only New Era white cap and its posters that they can get their heros, the 7th letter crews tag on it..
Crews started showing up little by little to support main artist of this collaboration, Eklips, Revok,Ewok,Push & Sever.
I was not covering (photographing) completely but snapping around very random.
I dare to be a quiet observer & click shutters... here's photo link.

Huge Thank you for Eklips.

August 26, 2009

El Mac,Retna's new book -Alianza

They both are such an amazing talented artists, their pieces always blow me away. And these guys collaboration is just nothing but fresh!
They just published a new book.
I'm still not getting my own copy yet but met a girl who told that she just got a last copy at the store before she showed up at The 7th letter Crews / New Era show on last Monday.
( I hope she could get Retna's autograph on it! )
She was in rush but I begged her to have very quick sneak peep.
It was quick flipping pages action, but wow! it was beautiful book.
I also like the size that fit in hands so nice. Zine size with hardcover!
I'm so honored that they gave me a great opportunity. Some of my favorite shots are in it.
this and that... I can't wait to get my own copy.

Here's a link for a series of document photo from one of their collaboration.

August 22, 2009

Buddy's Birthday

Honestly to say, it's not super precise though, 19th August is Buddy's 5th Birthday.
He is a mix breed of chow chow and labrador with purple tongue.

-- Socks Socks Socks / balls -most tennis balls- / smell of green grass / fetching.

Every single day after waking up
-- Getting Japanese Shiatsu Massage till getting 2 times of light tapping sign on lower back.

Beautiful Green Grass -- slide and roll and getting pumped. Mud is also favorite. but hate bathing, water, so swimming although he's very good swimmer.

Protect & take care of his Brother,Gizmo.

Sprinter runner with quick 'turn-run!' talent. Red muscle type.

Doesn't eat so much. Very picky. Pick human touch over food.
Burk strong, he doesn't like being touched his butt cheeks.

When I met him very first time, he was shaking.
Now, he's a big brother who protect his family and The sweetest dog once he gets intimate.

August 16, 2009

Pimp my Step Stool~!

I can't stop spray painting this and that since I really enjoy my custom scooter project.

I just couldn't stop thinking about painting its white color body to Matt Black when I got my "2nd" step stool. Not only white step stool is not sexy enough but also less obvious or less reflection. ha.
I painted it all matt black except little red parts and also making original-Silver-color support-bars gold as accent.

August 14, 2009

"Story of Sole From Vans Originals"

("Stories of Sole from Vans Originals by Doug Palladini)

Few days ago, I got this book from Rian, Vans Syndicate crew.
Currently 99% of my shoes are Vans, I wear them everyday.
There's reasons for that. First, I just simply like simple classic shoes. Second, I love their slip-on most because it's very very practical on photo shoot since there's time when I need to take my shoes off and on very quick. Slip-on is the best for that! with variety of designs and it's inexpensive! I can have many different kind. I love them!!
Last year, I had great opportunity to photo document /portrait Vans Syndicate crew/designers and their event, spent sometimes with crews, feeling their spirit and bond, that was such a great inspiration and simply made my soul warm.
Through this event, I could get to know Vans more, ended up more liking them.

This book is what I, or anybody who like vans have to have!

Huge Thanx for Rian. And Kana,Warp Magazing who gave me a great experience.

process of painting

My blogging action is not doing great. It's been 10 days I didn't do post.

Here's photo from the first paint action of my gold digger scooter that I definitely had fun with!
Gold paint was difficult one. Some spray paint cap were crappy, neither my spray paint skill.
What I needed was just spray evenly, which means quite simple but I even couldn't make it nice.
NOt again, HUGE respect to graffiti writors who control all of them like their part of their body!

August 4, 2009

Gold Digger Scooter

I've been meeting and photographing many people who love their ride, 4 wheels or 2 wheels, motor or non-motor.. Custom them.. etc etc..Always feel like "wow. wish i could have these beautiful thing for myself"... but so far, I only love to watch,admire and photograph their craft and culture,instead more into old cameras and stuffs for myself.
Now, somehow, on this things, I feel connection!? and so decided to custom paint.
Well, compare with what I've been seeing "real custom" on real stuffs, this is nothing. But it's all good for just having fun.

Hard to see on photo but rim and flame are matt black. I will change "iBike" speaker color. Tonight, i will cruise with this. ha. stupid!

August 3, 2009

Let's try blogging! & see how it goes!

So here's my very first blogging experience.
Let's see what's happen.
First, i start with a photo of my electric scooter by company "razor".
I can't believe this much fun toy is available for kids. It is very fun to cruise around neighbor.

ということで、生まれて初めてのブログ体験です! はてさてどうなることやら。。