August 21, 2010

Surprise and mystery of Succelent plants

I am not really big fan of flowers, but I do like green.. like plants. however, I haven't really having "green" till I became charge of little spot in the backyard. I found it's called Succulent in English, that I like them not only it's look but also "easy to take care of" since it has water contain in themselves... ...
 Then, after researching, I found there's famous spots for these type of plants near my house, called, California Nursery Specialist.  I got 24 pieces of little succulents that I'd never ever seen before in my life,  dig holes and lined them. Looked really really cute.  They gave instruction that not giving too much water but it's Valley weather, don't dry them out..   Balance of those is still tuff for me, unfortunately after 3months, I killed few of them.. well, Valley heat is killer. Anyway, one day, i started seeing weird things growing from nowhere on one of them. Nobody told me.. It's like skinny asparagus-ish. maybe flower will be coming?   Then.. this guy on this photo, these guys started growing, again, no where but between those tight spaces between each guys.. now it has weird face on the top.. a bit looks gross.. (you can see 1 in the middle of group on this photo).  I wasn't happy about it that I liked their smooth faces.

then.. 3 days later, boom! this huge flowers bloomed..  How you can hide this much size flower inside of those skinny ass?  

it's totally surprise and mystery. I know i just need to learn about them but i started enjoying these special plants more than before because of this surprise.  I won't learn about what kind of flower they will have and so on on purpose to make it surprise and mystery. that's one of their charm for me..


  1. i have a plant similar to that. it grows flowers every so often. it looks really cute when it does but i have no idea what the name of the plant is.

  2. >Tory
    I didn't find your post till now (Octorber!!) I am sorry.
    During those 2 months, include most hottest day in the valley in the histrory that happened few weeks ago, lots of plants couldn't make it in brutal heat of Valley weather. This one is almost gone at certain point but I could save it. I'm planning to get new 12 plants over 'ones unfortunately coudln't make it the valley summer" .. stay tuned!
